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Getting back to ex

Nowadays keeping a successful long term relationship is something like an achievement. Satisfying each other’s needs in a love relationship are very much hard and keeps it going is very delicate. Breaking up seems to be the easy part but not to forget it is the most painful process. Now let us discuss what happens after breakup. Everyone do get the post effects of breakup which are like crying all night, missing their partner, few of them tend to party a lot, go one frequent dates with someone else, few try to rush into a new relationship and so on. Whatever may be many think of getting back to their ex.
Can a break up help a relationship move to a next level?
Psychological studies say that going back to an ex is something that needs more caution and must be approached carefully. Also the studies have shown that many people who had break ups end up partly way permanently after getting back together. Few others feel that their satisfaction in the relationship as become less overall. As break up can happen for lot of reasons that might be silly or really genuine ones. In few cases the painful breakup of the love relationship can get the couple back together and they can have a strong and long relationship after that. As the breakup separation gives space between the couples that enables them to work on their personal issues that caused their break up. In a good relationship, which has good foundation has lot of short happy and romantic moments which can help in reconnecting back to the partner as it clicks both to rethink about getting back to the relationship.
Now going back to ex and reforming the relationship is something that should not be taken easily. As after the breakup each one can look into the relationship with new perspective. It is very important that both need to frankly discuss about the idea of getting back. Without any specific plan about the getting back together, the relationship would not work in any better way than its previous course.
Few suggestions to go back to healthy relationship with your ex are try to have some time to yourself and look into the break up reason and analyze as what went wrong. Think of fixing the issue from your side. Give some time to your ex too. Reconnect with your ex by apologies as it might be worth the happy relationship

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