There is no doubt that data entry job is one of the most simple opportunity for extra income. People can work on offline & online data entry jobs & earn $200 to $1000 per month.
Your income depends on the type of data entry work, time you spent, your qualification, your typing speed etc.
We will explain you about each data entry jobs you can do from home without any investment so that you can earn maximum earning from this work.
Types of Data Entry Jobs
Read about each & every data entry jobs so that you will know which one is best suitable for you. You can immediately start any data entry jobs given below-
1. Captcha Entry Job
Captcha entry is becoming one of the hottest online data entry job. Although income is less than other job but its very simple & available for everyone.
You will be given a software where you have to login with your username & password & then type the Captcha images. You can earn up to $500 per month from this job.
Refer & Start:- Top 10 Online Captcha Entry Jobs
2. Copy & Paste
Here you have to copy text material from a word or excel file and paste into another word or excel file. It is very easy however, you need to be very careful. Good knowledge of English is very important because you have to read and understand things.
Find more info on Copy Paste Jobs here.
3. Micro Jobs
There are number of sites where you can join as a micro worker & work on different types of data task. One of the most recommended online data entry job for extra income.
There are dozens of sites that provide micro jobs where you can join & earn minimum $200+ a month working on simple tasks.
Refer & start:- Earn from Top 10 Micro Job Sites
4. Survey Forms
Filling up survey forms is also a type of data entry work. Here you have to fill online forms provided by different survey sites.
Through this form, you give your feedback for a particular product which helps companies to design the best products for consumers.
Refer & Start: Join & Earn from Online Surveys
5. Basic Typing Job
The first and basic data entry job is typing. Here you have to type anything into an excel spreadsheet or a word document.
You don’t require any special skill other than typing speed of 30+ words per minute. If your speed is less than this & you want to do this then you have to improve the speed to reach 30+ WPM level.
You can check Top 5 Typing Jobs here.
6. Form Filling
Form filling data entry jobs are not very common but you can find them on Internet. Here you have to fill simple forms with given information. Sometimes information is not given and you have to find on your own.
Refer:- Online Form Filling Jobs
7. Image to Text
Next is converting image to text. Here you have an image file containing text material and you need to write it down on a word document. To put it simple, you have to see from image file and write it down on a word document.
8. Medical Transcription
This is the most popular form of data entry job. Here you have to be on a phone and write things down what you listen. So it is bit different than regular data entry job. You need great listening skills and write it down as you listen.
9. Formatting
You have to format a word document. Formatting is not that easy as it is seen. You have to have full knowledge of work documents, things like indentation, aligning etc.
So learn MS word.
10. Content Writing
Content writing is bit different than regular data entry job. Here you have to write articles and give it back to publishers. Here you need more of a writing skill than typing skills.
11. Catalog Data Entry Operator
Catalog data entry operator is about creating an inventory list in an excel spreadsheet. An inventory has many products and you have to write it down their serial number, product name, numbers in stock, price etc into an excel spreadsheet.
This is like a normal data entry job.
12. Proofreading and Copywriting
Like content writing proofreading and copywriting is also a data entry work. However, they are bit different than regular data entry jobs.
Here you have to good at English and typing speed is not required. You must be able to read articles and find out mistakes.
13. Medical Coding
Medical coding is data entry work where you have to write codes of various products. These products are medicine of different kinds.
You have to be careful while entering those medical codes. You need some experience to take this job.
14. Payroll Data Entry Operator
Payroll data entry operator is for creating a payroll list for various companies. You have to create a list of employee name, address, salary etc in Excel spreadsheet.
The job is very similar to the catalog data entry operator where you fill information about products in the inventory.
15. Email Processing
Email processing jobs are about processing emails. You have to read emails and find out what their content is about. You might be asked to process thousands of email in a day. The job could be very exciting.
Refer & Start: Email Processing Jobs
Extra:- Customized Data Entry Jobs
This is not actually a specific kind of data entry jobs. Here you could be asked to do anything what a company has to say.
The job is not specified and customized according to the needs of the company. You job could be anything.
So these were some of the data entry jobs available on the Internet and offline. You need to find out more about these jobs and prepare yourself to become a data entry operator.
such a nice artcle..